Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Being a Part-Time Pro Photographer
As an HR professional, that immediately sounds like a contradiction in terms- “Part-Time Pro”. The reality for many of us is that is exactly the case. We work traditional jobs and enjoy working with clients when life doesn’t get in the way. Life meaning work, spouses, kids, parents, volunteer organizations, sports, and on and on!…
You have all that big camera gear! So why are you taking pictures with your phone?
This question was posed to me when we visited the Indianapolis Children’s Museum this past March. As a quick aside, if you ever have a chance to take your kids there, DO IT! Ok, now that’s out of the way, back to the post! Here’s the setup – my 3 year old was playing with…
I want to take pictures that look like yours! What camera should i get?
If I had a quarter for every time I’ve heard this question! As of February 2017, I have 20 years of SLR experience. I started in film back in the 90’s, and I have seen the proliferation of consumer-grade DSLRs take over the market in the last decade. All one needs to do is visit…
Got any book recommendations?